Given the abstract nature of most of my videos, I have often been asked “what are they about?” This appears an apparently simple and innocent question, but it is one beset with complexity for a visual artist . . .
Generally, I subscribe to Picasso’s view that “art is about suggestion not statement”, but all art does have “content” as well as form, and that content can be obvious or quite hidden. Given the multiple meanings that can be there from either the artist’s intention, or the potential interpretations and projections viewers may view bring to the woks, contemporary discourse is very concerned with “reading” artworks – a very odd description from my perspective . . .
Anyway, all my works do have a substrate of conscious content, some mentioned in the individual texts elsewhere on this website. But the works also came into being within a matrix of themes that were of interest to me, so this section tries to articulate a few of them – all were conscious at the time, but there is now the benefit of hindsight for me too . . . reading about them is not ate all necessary for the raw experience of viewing, but some people may find it interesting to know more context . . .